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Our breath is a powerful tool that connects our body and mind. Proper breathing promoted internal organ massage, joint oscillation, and muscle toning and release. Yoga practice can help reestablish natural breath flow, which is crucial for managing stress, emotions, and postural habits. Additionally, breathing techniques involving control of the diaphragm can help relax the pelvic floor muscles, making childbirth easier.

Prenatal Pranayama Breathwork 

Breathwork is crucial for both mother and baby, as oxygen is passed to the baby through the umbilical cord. Pregnancy can compromise the ability to take deep diaphragmatic breaths due to organs moving upward into the chest cavity to accommodate the growing uterus, making it essential to learn techniques to create more space for breathing. 

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Breath Control in Yoga

Breathwork is an essential part of prenatal yoga. It helps to calm the mind, reduce stress, and increase oxygen flow to the baby. By practicing deep breathing techniques, expectant can prepare for labor and delivery, and also connect with their growing baby. Join us for a prenatal yoga class and experience the benefits of breathwork for yourself.

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Breath Control for Labor & Delivery

Breath control is essential during labor and delivery and can be harnessed to help the process move smoothly and quickly. Become empowered through breathwork focused around removing fear and becoming intune with the muscles of breating; diaphram, 

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